Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Stakeholders/Acquirers/Investors – Boardroom Performance Group


By April 10, 2013 March 3rd, 2016 Blog, Sample Engagements

  •  The president of a financial holding company said, “We’ve made a number of acquisitions, but we’re not hitting our objectives. We think it has to do with management teams we are inheriting. We seem to lose the strong players. It takes a year to sort out. Can you assess the acquired executives and help us make this acquisition successful?
  •  A Vice Chairman of a major financial services group asked, “’I’ve inherited three major business units as a result of the merger. Can you help me and the business unit heads select and motivate the best talent from 85 executives in 90 days?
  • Partners at a major accounting firm asked,” We starting a project or a major client involved in acquisitions. We will handle all the operational and audit, issues, but he’s concerned about the quality of the acquired management and the CEO. Can you be part of our due diligence tam and assess the key executives?”
  • “Before we invest another $5 million in this company, could you assess the management team, strategy and any other issues we should be concerned about”, asked the venture capital director.
  • Shall we combine our profit making data center with a software group we acquired two years ago and who should run it? Asked the new CEO of the holding company.
  • “We are a start up company looking for talent, credible contacts, funding and expertise. Can you help us move to the next level?” Asked the founder of a company with a proven product who was ready to launch.
  • “We are an early stage company looking for funding. For stock, can you develop our message, bring in senior advisors, and recruit a celebrity CEO and board so we can attract investors?” Asked the founder/CEO with limited cash.
  • “We have a great ministry with tremendous potential to evangelize the world through effective education of children. Can you help us motivate our board, craft a compelling message and stage a “road show” that will help us expand?” asked the CEO of a powerful Latin American ministry preparing for a global launch.
  • “Can you help us convince a major client to outsource all external innovation to us?” Asked highly respected venture capitalist seeking to be a major player in the global innovation marketplace
  • We need to create a strategic alliance with a major bank’s wealth management group, Can you arrange a meeting, develop the presentation and so we cancreate a profitable partnership with the bank?,” Asked the head a national independent marketing grout of 100 top life insurance producers.
  • “We just spin off our health services consulting practice from a major accounting firm. Can you develop the plan and messaging, bring in a major search firm, helppromote the 30 company roll up in preparation for a major IPO campaign?,” asked the Chairman and CEO of a new organization.
  • “To develop our national marketing program, we need a credible Advisory Board of senior retired executives for introductions to major corporations and a strategic alliance with a top CPA firm, can you help us create the plan and execute it?” Asked the Chairman of Financial Services marketing group.
  • “Before we invest another $5 million in this company, could you assess the management team, strategy and any other issues we should be concerned about”, asked the venture capital director.